



SquareY XR


33% 离开
Vision Looky 偏光太阳镜


视觉 Looky 4607 小指

有存货, 19 单位

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Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!
Vision Looky 眼镜获得眼科医生认可!首款可编程眼镜!专利技术!


与 VisionLooky Shop 一起体验无国界的世界!我们致力于创造创新的镜片产品,让您看得更多、做得更多。发现我们的尖端技术并探索我们的产品系列。与您所在地区值得信赖的眼保健提供商合作伙伴联系,并采取下一步措施以增强视力。

意大利、韩国、德国和日本风格的设计 - 从我们这里购买优质产品!


Welcome to the future of Eyewear Technology!

we can program your eyewear to have , Social media, your prescription, Spoken instruction and more!

买一框送一框 50% 折扣!

目前正在进行限时促销优惠:从 Vision Looky Shop 以全价购买一副镜框后,顾客将获得第二副同等或更低价值的 50% 折扣。此优惠不需要使用代码。要激活优惠,客户必须将两种符合条件的商品添加到购物车中。在结帐阶段,系统将自动应用折扣,一旦购物车中出现两副符合条件的产品,系统就会免费赠送第二副眼镜。需要注意的是,本次促销活动的赠品仅限于 Vision Looky 防蓝光眼镜和/或 Vision Looky 太阳镜。此优惠不包括促销商品、配件、捆绑包和礼品卡,以及潜在的其他例外情况。标准运输政策和适用的税费仍将执行。需要强调的是,此优惠不适用于之前的订单或购买。如果退回符合条件的产品,促销品也必须以原包装退回;否则,退款将作为相当于促销节省的商品积分发放。严格禁止替代品或现金等价物。购买数量可能有限。 Vision Looky 保留因未经授权使用促销活动、技术错误或不可预见的复杂情况而取消任何订单的权利。重要的是要承认此优惠可能随时终止或修改,恕不另行通知。

We also provide Vision Looky franchising opportunities.

Are you an optometrist or ophthalmologist wanting to open your own office but finding it too complicated to handle alone? Or are you considering franchising optical shops but are deterred by high costs and fees? Vision Looky has the perfect solution for you. Join our franchise anywhere in the United States and its territories.

We will build your office within six months, fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, eyewear, and ophthalmic medical tools. We also assist with credentialing you with most insurance companies.

You’ll have access to our ten labs for eyeglass lens selection and our proprietary technology lenses. Say goodbye to large corporate control; as an optometrist, you will have total independence. We provide electronic medical records, remotely operated exam rooms, and multi-AI marketing tools to support your practice.




fax: 972-292-9969


© 2023 Copyrights NEE LLC & Vision Looky. All rights reserved. *In specific jurisdictions, eye examinations are offered by autonomous practices or affiliated entities. Certain activities conducted through the website may be protected by U.S. Patent 11582338B2. These companies have established partnerships utilizing patents derived from the following patent applications: 17468642, US17307901, US17/227,356.